New Gallery – Gwendolyn

I haven’t updated this place for quite a long time, but hopefully it’s going to change.
Since I started full-time job in November – my free time for kits got cut down drastically.
But. I managed to finish this Gwendolyn now and there’s hope for other kits!

She’s contest entry, for our GK group, I couldn’t post pictures earlier due to contest rules.

Gwendolyn, Valkyrie from Odin Sphere.

E2046 recast, not really awesome quality. Kit didn’t include base, I’ve made my own.
Kit is both: hand-painted and airbrushed.
Paints used: Vallejo Model Color acrylics, Dealer-Rowney’s Interference Colour (shimmering blue, shimmering violet), Pebeo Prisme Fantasy paints.
Other materials: Glitter and some crystals normally used for nail decoration.
Crystals made using Copper(II) sulfate (I’ve grown those).


Work in Progress update – Urd with Elegant Dress – Almost ready for priming.

There’s going to be a lot of trouble with fitting her hair, but hopefully I’ll manage it. But it’s still not that much trouble as I’ll have with her floating cloaks on her back. It would be easier to glue them already and then work with putty, but in this way it would be much harder to paint it later.

I’ve already chosen colours I’m going to paint her, though I’m still not sure if I’ll handbrush it or airbrush. She’s going to look like in TV series.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to finish her soon.

Take Care!