
Because of work and real-life stuff I couldn’t focus on my kits.

But! I’m happy, because I’m waiting for Citadel Tool Kit, which is gift from my family (mainly because my father, as an old modeler, likes it as well) and they managed to find it in one of Polish internet shops for price of ~70$ and with free shipping. Yay!

Also, I got about 1 kilogram of modeling clay, so I’m having materials for my project’s base. Obviously it isn’t polymer clay (it’s way too expensive for me, yet), but I’m pretty sure it’s going to work well.

Besides that, I’ll have to buy some supplies, before I’ll start to paint. I think I’m going to get Mr. White Base, to apply it right before painting, but I need to check up if local store have it. Still, I’m not sure, if I’m going to handbrush or airbrush my kits and… Which brand’s paints should I use :(? I’m thinking about Mr. Color, about Pactra, or Citadel paints. As for now I’m pretty sure I’m not going to use emanel, like Humbrol’s (though I used them before), I prefer to get some acrylics. And here’s another question – which sealers should I use?

Any suggestions are welcome.


So many questions, so little time, so little money, damn it.

Anyway, I hope I’ll be able to make any update soon 🙂


Take Care!

What I should sculpt with?

I’m having some serious issues with the idea I showed You in my last note.

As I told You already, I’m not sure what material I should use to prepare base.

I’ve been thinking about using Sculpey, but to make such big base, the cost would be way too high. I also found Milliput putty, which also could be used to sculpt, but it’s expensive as well- making base for those two figures would cost as much as buying one new kit. Typical modeling clay, which I can afford, is way too fragile.

I’m looking for any help in finding less expensive modeling material, which will be durable/stone-hard after drying.

Any ideas?

Take Care.