New Gallery – Tyranid Scythed Hierodule

Well, I haven’t been here for a while.
But here’s an update! Just finished Warhammer 40k commission for my friend.
It’s Tyranid Scythed Hierodule from Forge World, hand-painted with Citadel paints.
I was supposed to make it look easy to copy for my friend.

I have a few started/ready to paint figures, but somehow I can’t make myself into mood to make any. I get distracted way too easily, can’t find enough time to just sit and paint without breaks, or my neck starts to hurt. Soonβ„’.


New WIP Gallery – Tyranid Scythed Hierodule

That’s something I don’t do everyday. My friend asked me to paint few units of his Warhammer 40k army. This is one of them (the largest one and actually a resin kit).
That’s quite challenging for me, since I never had to follow W40K painting schemes (this one is made by my friend using official colours) and using Citadel paints at all. But it’s still fun πŸ˜€


New WIP Gallery: Sha’un – Ram Tribe Warrior

It was supposed to be entry for GK forum’s contest, but I couldn’t make it on time. Well, to be clear, this figure still isn’t finished.
White ram warrior in tarnished brass armour.
This time, next to my mostly used Vallejo paints, I’ve started using other brands:
P3 fromula, Citadel and Army Painter.
From those mentioned, I like Army Painter the most and you’re going to see me using their colours more often. They’re having richer pigments, than Vallejo in my opinion (not saying that Vallejo is worse. It isn’t).

Soon I should finish this figure, meanwhile look at WIP pics.


Water Palette

I’m often getting distracted when I’m painting kits. This results in paints getting dry and wasted (since I’m using acrylics, which dries fast).
Once I’ve been browsing net for reference pics and I’ve found this idea on someone else’s blog. It turns out you can buy such wet palette, but since I’m broke – I decided to make my own.
Here’s short comic about that.

wet_paletteEnjoy C:

Yes, I lol at my own handwriting.

Small update (what’s going on)

Hello everyone~!

As you could’ve notice – I’m quite inactive recently. So let’s say it straight first:

I didn’t drop GK building as a hobby, don’t worry about that πŸ™‚

In my job, my workplace wasn’t really healthy – I’ve been spending 8 hours a day in pretty bad position while working on PC (our desks and screens have been really low situated). And after half year of work I started to feel dizzy more and more often. I thought it was neurosis-related issue (bosses were toxic as hell), but my doc told me to check up, if it isn’t something more serious. After series of examinations (which my employer didn’t like, though I still did my chores on time) it turned out my neck spine isn’t perfectly fine.
Degenerative disc disease.
What it means – I can’t keep my head tilting. Not at all. Because in pretty short period of time it causes me being dizzy. Which makes me uncomfortable while cleaning, cooking and doing other everyday stuff. AND it made drawing and GK building pretty troublesome.

I’ve got bunch of exercises from physiotherapist, so it’s little better now, but damage is done.
I’m slowly rebuilding my whole workspace to be less troublemaking for my spine. So far it’s great, I can do almost everything I used to do before. Except GKs. Not yet.

Though I’m really looking forward it.
Hopefully soon πŸ™‚

Meanwhile, some EVA-05 for you

Take care!