Because E’s contest is still running (due to rules, I can’t show my entry before certain date) and I had small vacation recently, I don’t have much to show you. But, since I was asked to show pics of my cast, after I left it 3/10 rating, I’ve decided to share them with you.
Maybe I expected too much, but in my opinion it’s one of the worst kits I’ve bought at E (Pirotess was the worst. Unfortunately, I didn’t know that back then and gave quite high rating. Maybe something changed in this matter, since I bought her years ago). Or at least the worst Antihero I’ve got.
Looking at this kit and each part makes me want to put her away and never look back.
That’s probably because I was REALLY looking forward to get this kit.
I’ve paid US$ 85.31 in total for her (Price: US$ 56.02 | Shipping Price: US$ 27.29 (+ US$ 2.00))Β and while I bought and pre-paid her, she was 11.69$ cheaper, because they’ve raised shipping cost later (which I had to pay, obviously).
For such price, I demand higher quality. Small parts and crystal parts makes me want to cry. On one of pics you can see part of skirt from Raqel Gothic compared to Olivia’s clear parts. They were misty, not really clear and still sanded by workshop. Small parts have large tabs making them harder to remove. I’ve tried to show how her skirt parts doesn’t fit and while trying I managed to break one skirt part (trust me, I really tried to be delicate). Also, looking at her hair… Just ugh. A lot of work ahead of me.
It’s not like I’m only bashing their casts. For example, if you’re having spare cash – you should get their Naruga X Hunter. It’s great, large kit, well casted without fitting issues. Just large tabs, which is usual for E.
Hopefully I’ll be able to show some real WIP soon.
Take care~!