New WIP – Little Owl

That’s the model I’ve bought at some promotion at HobbyLinkJapan. It’s 1:1 scale Little Owl from Gunze Sangyo, which is re-print of Airfix model.

This time I decided to record videos instead of taking WIP photos. Or rather it was forced, because taking photos while filming doesn’t look good and it’d take additional time to montage whole video (Special thanks to my Boyfriend for putting it together).

Anyway, since it’s WIP and I didn’t finish it yet, here’s PART ONE of the WIP.

Enjoy 🙂

New Gallery – The Messenger

It’s done 🙂

You can also view a short film featuring me painting it.

This video was made for test, so all kind of comments are welcome. And I really would prefer to have better camera for this.



Bigger update – Three new WIP galleries.

Since sanding is boring, I couldn’t really share anything for a quite long time. But today I can share three new WIPs with you.

First figure is Sha Gojyo from Saiyuki. I’m building for my Friend. It’s E’s recast, quite good quality, expect the cape. Which needed a lot of fitting, putting and still requires some work. But once I’ll get primer, he’ll be ready for painting.

Two other, are nice busts I got, too bad they’re just re-casts. I should’ve check up original prices before buying them on local auction service.
Anyway, they’re well sculpted and doesn’t require much work. And I belive painting will be fun.

Here’s Ky-rà:

Here’s the Messanger:
