Azure Rathalos – Gallery and WIP

E2046 contest’s rules finally allow me to publish entry and wip on my own site, so here it is.

That’s figure I’ve been working on for about month, and which I’ve finished over month ago.
A lot of blue is used here, because once I’ll start other kits I’m having in queue now, I won’t be able ot use it for a while, and I REALLY like blue. And black, but it’s boring when it comes to painting figures.
And in queue are: Raqel Gothic and Little Owl, which are going to be painted in brownish colours. So yes, no place for my favourite blue 😉

Right now I’m trying to finish painting commissions and I’ll be able to focus on models more. I hope.

Anyway, here are galleries 🙂



Enjoy 🙂

New Gallery – Cockatrice

I’ve finished this little creature. It was real pleasure to make this model. I wish there’d be more creatures like this one (nicely sculpt with fine details, which doesn’t have derp faces asking “kill me”).
Since I wanted to give it dark wings, like night’s sky, I though I’d use glitter (instead of painting stars by myself).
Vallejo paints as usual.


Sigrid of the Thorn

Here she is, finished. Antihero from E2046, painted with Vallejo Model Color and Winsor & Newton’s acrylics. With a little addition of glitter (Visible on the water. Yes, I really sucked at photographing it). Handpainted and airbrushed.
That’s something rarely for me, but I really like how I painted her eyes. While I screwed airbrushing skin. I need to learn a lot about airbrushing.


New Gallery – Gwendolyn

Here she is, valkyrie princess from Odin’s Sphere.
Not everything went way I planned, but I’ve tried my best. Especially to do something about her face. Also I failed at making crystals for her base (not really failed, they’re just still growing), so I decided to make my own “stone” and paint it to make it look like labradorite.
