New Galleries, HUGE UPDATE!

Long time no see, huh?
I’m terrible at it.
Finally I managed to photograph some figures I painted recently.
My favourite Dark Souls family is finally together:

I finished Ciaran first, you could’ve seen her here:

Today I present to you more pics of finished Artorias and Sif;

Sir Artorias, the Abysswalker 

Great Grey Wolf Sif

All three are sculpted by IKEGAMI, available from Mouse Unit.


Here’s Horned Frog, small kit sculpted by 大山竜, which I’ve got from my friend Acidraw



In previous epoch, Steamforged Games LTD came up with Kickstarter campaign for Dark Souls: The Board Game. Which I backed.
The game came with pretty neat miniatures and I just painted one of them, the Dragon Slayer Ornstein

[I’m just salty, because it takes them ages to release the game and their services are shady.]

Well, that’s all for today. Hopefully I’ll be able to show some more stuff soon.
At least I keep fingers crossed for that. Yeah.

Sigrid of the Thorn

Here she is, finished. Antihero from E2046, painted with Vallejo Model Color and Winsor & Newton’s acrylics. With a little addition of glitter (Visible on the water. Yes, I really sucked at photographing it). Handpainted and airbrushed.
That’s something rarely for me, but I really like how I painted her eyes. While I screwed airbrushing skin. I need to learn a lot about airbrushing.


WIP Gallery Update – Sigrid of the Thorn


I was busy doing painting commissions, so I haven’t had enough time to work on this one.
Here’s update on crab (which I decided to paint after rainbow crab) and some work on the base.
Aaaaand I still didn’t finish Sigrid’s prep work. Or rather didn’t even start it. Hah. I’m going to try painting her with airbrush (skin, hair) by the way. Did I mention I really don’t like prep work?


New WIP Gallery – Sigrid of the Thorn

Though it started whole section of Sigrid’s WIP, there’s just a little frog flying on fork. Oh my, this kit is so awesome in such details~!
This time I’m using Winsor & Newton’s acrylics, because I don’t have any good Vallejo’s greens.
I’d post more, but I’m working on drawing commission with tight deadline – that’s my excuse, why I haven’t post anything in March (besides the fact Dark Souls 2 and Diablo 3 expansion came out in March).
Next week I should be able to work more on this kit. And to paint Mr. Crab.
By the way, I exceed 1000 photos on this blog. That’s… Quite a lot, don’t you think?
